The Ardonagh Group (“the Group”) today announces that following the appointments of Independent Non-Executive Directors to each of the Group’s segment boards, the composition of the Group Board (“the Board”) has been changed, with effect from 11 June 2019.
The Board will comprise of the following:
John Tiner (Chairman)
Clive Bouch
Pat Butler
Scot French
Vahe Dombalagian
David Ross
Diane Cougill
The Board also approved the following appointments:
Aurelio Cusaro as alternate director to Scot French
Matt Raino as alternate director to Vahe Dombalagian
Appointment of Scot French to the Group Audit and Group Risk Committees
The Board expresses their thanks to the following who have stepped down from the Board:
Christine Dandridge
Feilim Mackle
Matt Raino
Aurelio Cusaro
Matthieu Boulanger
Feilim Mackle will continue to chair the Segment Boards for the Retail, Insurance Broking, Schemes & Programmes and Paymentshield segments.